#7 | 15-08-24 | MVP Build & Planning


Today marks the launch of the MVP build of Dead Alert. Attached to this log will be a zip file containing this version. I would greatly appreciate if those would test and leave feed back, linked here.

Now, it's time to start work on the Alpha build.

At the start of the game, wave #1, it'll be fairly easy. But as the player survives more waves, it'll become gradually harder. New enemies will appear and more enemies will spawn as each wave is completed. I'll design a much larger map to accommodate this.

Every time an enemy is killed, the player's score increases. Score, think of it as money, can be used to purchase more ammunition or new weapons. The introduction of the ammo counter will make the game more challenging. I intend to create a reloading mechanic as well, with different capacities for each firearm alongside unique shot patterns, fire rates, reload projectile speeds.

Another feature to be added farther into development will be health counters for each enemy type and unique damage variables for each weapon. I might include melee attacks, but that'll probably come after the first full release build.

Everything discussed in this log will be added to the GDD. I will keep that public and update it as new ideas and mechanics come to mind.

Thanks for reading!


Dead Alert MVP.zip 27 MB
60 days ago

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