#16 | 05-08-24 | Extra Scenes


This devlog will cover some miscellaneous work I did today, after the previous devlog.

I had a coworker play a test build of the game and he recommended I add another dimension to spawning, targets spawning from bottom and moving vertically. I also have an idea on how to fix the issue of targets colliding with each other if they move at different speeds.

I also created new scenes for the achievement menu and info section.

Another feature I added was a pause menu and key short cuts. Pressing "P" will pause the game and pressing "O" will unpause it. "R" resets the high score and "Escape" quits the game.

This'll probably be the last work I do today. I still need to decide whether or not I want to revamp the spawning system again for the beta build or save it for the final release.

Thanks for reading!

Get Hit That Target!

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