#21 | 11-08-24 | Postmortem


I've attempted to build the achievement system and improved spawning mechanics to no avail. This has put me in a foul mood and I no longer want to continue this project. I simple don't have the skills to build some of the ideas I have or have been suggested. I'm also piss poor at creating art, so even if the game is mechanically sound it will suffer immensely visually.

Stressors in this project included the visual and audio appeal, neither of which are my strong suits. In the future, I will either keep graphics simple or use asset packs. It doesn't make any sense to pay an artist to create graphics for a game nobody will see because the indie market is incredibly oversaturated.

On the bright side, this project has served it's purpose: reviving my limited skills in game development. What I can take away from this project is that if I'm to build a game, I need to keep projects ridiculously simple so as not to overwhelm myself and lead to burnout.

My overall opinion on this project is mixed. On one hand, I built a functioning game and went through the development process (practice). On the other hand, I've feel like this project was a complete failure. I don't want to keep making games if they keep turning out sub-optimal and don't have a solid game play loop.

Separating logic from emotions is important. My view is that logic should override emotions, so I will walk away from this project knowing that logically it was a success because I revived my skills and learned more about building games even though emotionally it was a failure.

Attached to this devlog will be the release build. I won't be returning to this project. As to what I do next, I might build a remastered version of "Factory of the Damned" or a zombie shooter (think COD Zombies or Breaking Dead in Enlisted). I'll make a post on Twitter when I've got another project started.

Thanks for reading.


Hit That Target Release.zip 27 MB
50 days ago

Get Hit That Target!

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