#4 | 13-08-24 | Enemy AI


Today's task was creating the enemy spawning and movement/pathfinding AI.

I also made some changes to the game design document. I want the MVP to be passable as a game itself with the alpha and beta builds building onto it in preparation for the release build.

To create the enemy spawning, I used code similar to the target spawner in my previous project.

I used a tutorial and package to create the enemy's pathfinding and movement, linked below. I also used Cinemachine to make the camera follow the player and make the camera stay within a boundary.

The combination of packages from the asset store and my own code makes for a great view:

It's super convenient to be able to download packages for mechanics that I want to include but don't know how to build. I'll be making greater use of these in the future.

The next tasks will be creating a time counter and UI. Once that is done, the MVP build should be ready.

Thanks for reading!

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