#6 | 14-08-24 | Health & UI


Today's task was organizing and creating more UI elements. I also decided to add a health counter and have updated the GDD to reflect these changes. All these extra features I've included in the MVP will make it pass as a game itself rather than an early prototype.

As with the other counters, the health counter was similar and easy to build. I added this to the "PlayerController" script. The ammo counter will be part of this script as well.

The Canvas Manager handles the UI, so it made sense for it to handle the "Game Over" code and conditions. When boolean "gameOver" equals true, the time scale is changed to zero, the player is deactivated and the "Game Over" UI is enabled.

Now, the game looks and feels a little more complete. The last task will be creating the main menu and rigging up buttons.

Thanks for reading!

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