#1 | 17-07-24 | Project Begins


After a very long break, it's time for a new project to practice my development skills. 

In the past projects, my scope has been to big, leading to the project becoming overly complicated. This project will be kept very simple to ensure I do not become stressed and to stay on track to the final goal: build a small polished game.

The first major task in the project is completing the minimum viable product (MVP). The MVP consists of only the most necessary features to be playable. Mechanics will be simple, graphics will be simple. The final, polished product will include more features and nicer graphics.

Pictured below is my game design document and planner for the MVP.

I am unsure on how long this project will take to complete, but I'm going to try and not let it drag on without progress.

Thanks for reading!

Get Hit That Target!

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